Director and operator Patrick Quinn of West Midlands-based P Quinn Construction Limited has been driving engcon tiltrotators for over 15 years, and insists they are essential to his company’s success as golf course construction specialists. We visited him on site at one of his latest projects on a golf course in the West Midlands to find out more.
“Golf course construction involves a lot of highly specialist work – from building tees to shaping bunkers, work is often done to extremely precise measurements to bring the architect’s vision to life,” Patrick explains. “Having an engcon tiltrotator means that as we do not have to keep moving the machine, we do not have to go over work that we have already shaped, which helps to keep us efficient as we progress through the course.”
A self-proclaimed engcon fan, Patrick details how vital they have been throughout his career: “I first learnt how to operate an excavator whilst building golf courses, and as tiltrotators are so essential to this type of work, I’ve always had one attached to the machine that I’ve been working on, so I understand how much of a difference they can make to the quality of work that the operator can produce.”
“Before I bought my own machine, I drove all different types of tiltrotators, but whenever I got the chance; I always requested an engcon when I was operating on a new job. For me there’s no other brand of tiltrotator that can compare when it comes to strength, hitting all of the angles and giving a smooth finish.”
But there is more to golf course architecture than just the course itself; as building a top-class golf course also requires the surrounding landscaping and infrastructure that goes with it: lakes, forests and pathways are all vital to delivering the overall finished product, and this is where having an engcon tiltrotator with EC-Oil automatic hydraulic connector really comes into its own.
Now as a business owner operating a range of machinery including a Doosan DX140LCR with engcon EC214 with EC-Oil, Patrick has even more of an appreciation of the benefits tiltrotators can bring: “Building a golf course covers so many different types of construction, which means in the same day myself and the team could easily require lots of different attachments for not only shaping, but tasks like ditch work and tree clearance too. Having the EC-Oil automatic hydraulic connector means that we can change from a bucket to a root rake to a tree shear in an instant, without needing any down time between each.”
As a result, upskilling his team on how to drive an engcon tiltrotator is something that Patrick prioritises: “Tiltrotator operators are a scarcity and always in high demand, but often drivers don’t get the opportunity to learn how to use them, which creates a vicious circle within the industry.”
“If it is a skill that a member of our team shows an interest in developing, we make sure that we create the opportunity for them to do so, and we find that the engcon system is straightforward to pick up. We will often start the operator on simpler tasks, such as ditch work or tree clearance, so that they can get a feel for how to use it, and then I will take the time to give them some one-on-one training for how to get the most out of the tiltrotator, and all the tips and tricks that I’ve learnt along the way.”
So, what are those tips and tricks to get the most out of your engcon tiltrotator?
“First of all, you need to make sure that the engcon tiltrotator is set up to how you use it. You can occasionally jump in a machine and find that it is a different configuration than what you are used to, which can sometimes throw drivers off. Do not be afraid to make sure that it is set up to how you learnt to drive it – a bit of time spent getting it right at the start will save you more time in the long run and give your customer a better-quality outcome too.”
“I also find it always helps to have a picture in your mind of where you want the bucket to end up. If you do this, it helps you to keep the bucket moving more smoothly as you are already thinking a few steps ahead.”
“Lastly, take your time to get it right first time. The engcon is already helping you to finish the job more quickly, so you can focus on the quality of your work instead.”
Patrick Quinn
P Quinn Construction Limited, West Midlands
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