Richard Baker has been using engcon tiltrotators for many years first investing in an EC15 over 10 years ago, making him one of the earliest tiltrotator users in the UK.
In 2019 Richard took a huge leap forward investing in a new engcon EC214 tiltrotator setup with DC2 controls, EC-Oil and ePS (engcon Positioning System) for integration with his Leica CoPilot 3D machine control system on his Case CX145D. The improved efficiency and automation lead to some pretty sizeable cost savings for Richard.
In 2021 Richard has taken another huge leap in going for an even bigger machine with a brand new Liebherr 920 Compact. Upgrading to a new engcon EC219 tiltrotator to go with it. This machine comes with our S60 with EC-Oil quick coupler for instant tool change between buckets, hydraulic attachments and his tiltrotator. The machine is also fully tricked out with blade control and TAB boom control on his engcon MIG2 joysticks.
Some of the time-saving tools Richard runs under his tiltrotator are an engcon PP3200 compactor plate. As well as delivering improved compaction over a wider area compared to handheld plates it helps keep men out of trenches, which is a massive safety benefit and cost saving by reducing the amount of manpower and additional equipment needed on the ground. In addition to this Richard now has over 17 buckets for the machine and 5 other attachments meaning that this machine is truly a tool carrier doing many of the jobs that would ordinarily require extra machinery on site to do.
Richard has been running the numbers on the improved savings the new setup has given him. Richard has calculated.
Much of this is due to the new Leica CoPilot MC1 system working in conjunction with the tiltrotator through the ePS rotation sensor. Richard works primarily on house building projects with Chasetown Civil Engineering and they also use Leica on their machines meaning that everyone on site works from the same models meaning maximised efficiency and precision reducing overdigging and material cost with things like concrete used in the foundations. These models can be updated instantly to the cloud and shared over the air meaning everyone on site is always working from the newest model.
Here’s what Richard had to say. “Given the reliability of our outgoing EC214, it made perfect sense to stick with Engcon and upgrade to an EC219 to suit our new larger machine. Due to the larger footprint and operating weight of the new machine, the tilt rotator is really coming into its own, allowing us to excavate parallel and square to buildings without the need to get too close. In addition, DC2 controls provide seamless, fluid movements. We’ve opted for blade control on this machine which is arguably smoother and more accurate than the manufacturers own controls. We once again opted for QSC as once you’ve used it you wouldn’t want to use anything else! The attention to detail on this latest install pretty much looks factory fitted."
Richard Baker
Baker Groundworks
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