engcon AB was founded in 1990 by Stig Engström, and development of what is now the world-leading engcon tiltrotator began. Over the years, new companies have been formed and today the organization looks a lot different.
The company is currently owned by parent company engcon AB, which is also responsible for overall product development, marketing and sales in new markets.
The subsidiaries are engcon Sweden AB, engcon Norway AS, Oy engcon Finland AB, engcon Denmark A/S, engcon France SAS, engcon Canada Inc, engcon North America Inc, engcon Germany GmbH, engcon Korea Ltd, engcon Belgium, engcon Netherlands, engcon Austria GmbH, engcon Ireland Ltd, engcon Australia Pty Ltd, engcon United Kingdom Ltd and the production companies engcon Nordic AB, engcon Poland Sp. z o.o and e-Component AB.
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