This company, which employs more than 20 staff, is based in Strömsund and handles general marketing, sales and development. The office is located in central Strömsund beside the beautiful lake known as Vattudalen.
The design department works on the development of new products and major design alterations. New prototypes are devised here which have to work perfectly with other engcon system tools.
Most of the company's sales take place via the subsidiaries, but engcon AB deals with introductions when contact is made with new markets. We've supplied tiltrotators and tools to most countries which aren't part of our existing market, and this gives us broad knowledge and a platform on which we can base further development and international business contacts.
We also work with general planning for marketing and marketing activities. The marketing department produces and supplies printed matter and advertisements for other group companies. The company is also responsible for the website and its functions.
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