The pin geometry on your existing buckets is unlikely to be compatible with the S-type coupler fitted to standard tiltrotators. Choosing a Unisafe/PUP coupler to allow you to use your existing buckets is likely to be a false economy for the simple reason that tiltrotator (s-type) buckets are designed for tiltrotator digging. Not only is the angle of the bucket optimised for tiltrotator use, but the bucket geometry (shape, size, etc.) is specific for rotational and angled digging and grading. The saving you make by choosing the S-type coupler can be re-invested in top bracket adapters to convert your existing buckets and other attachments.
If you are running hydraulic tools, you can also purchase adapter brackets EC-Oil ready, or pre-fitted with EC-Oil and thus convert your current hydraulic tools with ease for the S-type coupler.
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