engcon recommend this use of S-type couplers for several reasons: Firstly, S-type couplers are designed for tiltrotators (bracket angles, digging geometry, etc.). With an S-type, or symmetrical coupler, the digging forces are distributed through the coupler frame, regardless of angle and rotation of bucket and not through the locking mechanism as is the case with conventional pin-grab type couplers. Also, unless a separate and continuous hydraulic feed is supplied to the locking mechanism on these couplers, which will in turn cost more to install, the rotational and angular digging forces can cause the bucket to become loose, increasing wear and risk of accidental detachment.
engcon’s Q-Safe S-type coupler incorporates the latest safety standards, which include pin position and engagement detection, safety valves and additional mechanical spring locks to hold close the hitch in the event of hydraulic failure, positive ground pressure required for hitch operation, audible and visual warning during hitch operation, and (optional) boom and slew restriction when the hitch is open. EC-Oil – engcon’s automatic hydraulic coupling system which allows hydraulic attachments to be connected and disconnected from the cab without depressurising the system is only available on Q-Safe.
Furthermore, the build height of a S-type coupler is much lower (around half) and it weighs much less than alternative coupler systems. Because of this, S-type coupler systems cost less than the alternatives.
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